Jesus Being Baptized By John The Baptist

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Blog Under Development

This blog will contain a 3 Level Progressive Bible base study targeted for those new to Apostolic Teachings.  By Apostolic, we mean, the doctrines of the Apostles as founded in the book of Acts and as detailed through the Epistles of the Apostles and supported by the Gospels and all Scripture.  The outline of these studies is as follows:

LEVEL 1:  Basic Christian Living
1.  Orientation and Priorities - Describe the structure and purpose
of New Life Classes 101 through 301. Emphasize spiritual growth and
development of personal ministry. The principles of Christian living from which practical Christianity flow.

2.  Prayer and Repentance – A daily need. Repentance is not a
one time experience. It is and attitude and a renewable necessity. The
importance and methods of developing a daily prayer life.

3.  Witnessing – Spiritual reproduction. The Lord’s commission and
methods of soul winning. Emphasis on lifestyle evangelism, i.e. being the
good news.
4.  Praise and Worship – The Biblical basis for how we worship.
Entertaining God’s presence. The Biblical emphasis on praise and
worship. The benefits of worship.

5.  Bible Reading and Study – Reliability and canon of the Bible.
The importance of daily Bible reading and methods and importance of
Bible study. Bible as the answer book. Memorization.

6.  The Church – Being a vital part of the Body of Christ. The Biblical
imperative for church attendance and godly fellowship. No growth without the body. The five-fold ministry and church authority.

7.  Fasting - What does the Bible have to say about abstaining from food
and what are the benefits?

8.  Giving and Receiving – How does giving to the Lord result in
receiving blessings and benefits from Him?

9.  Ministry Opportunities – How to get involved in the work of
God. Presentation by ministry placement team. Describing ministry
opportunities and qualifications, including prerequisites of New Life

10. The Rhythm of Life – The Balance of liberty and responsibility.
To whom much is given, much is required. Refer back to “Priorities”.

LEVEL 2: THE ESSENTIALS IN DEPTH (12 Lessons over 6 topics)

1.  The New Birth.  Why is the doctrine of the New Birth important?  What are the three steps to the New Birth? (2 PART LESSONS)

2.  The Holy Ghost: How do you know that you have received the Holy Ghost? Why is it essential that you receive it? (2 PART LESSONS)

3.  Oneness – Who Is God? The God of the Old Testament is manifest in Jesus Christ in the New Testament. (2 PART LESSONS)

4.  Spiritual Authority Why has God ordained spiritual authority?  What is the authoritative role of the church in this world? (2 PART LESSONS)

5.  Gifts of the Spirit:  God has given gifts to every member of the Body of Christ. What are they and how do we use them? (2 PART LESSONS)

6.  Ministry Opportunities:  Where can I contribute to the work of God as a member of the Local Church? (2 PART LESSONS)

1. Introduction. This first lesson covers Calvary Gospel Church’s 4 step plan for Christian growth, underscoring the need in each Christians life to allow God’s character through the fruit of the Spirit to develop in us.
                   Step One:  The purpose for holiness
                   Step Two:  Faith and works
                   Step Three: The working of the Spirit
                   Step Four:   Christian Characteristics

2. The Attitudes of Holiness. This lesson is about developing the proper
     attitudes toward God and our fellow man. A correct attitude relative to God and holiness will establish in our hearts a foundation for further growth.

3. The Principals of Holiness. This lesson will establish a broad base of scriptural principals to help us understand why God places such emphasis upon both inward and outward holiness in our lives. Our God is a God of principal.

4. The Temple of God. In this lesson we begin to concentrate on the more outward facets of holiness. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and this lesson will establish that God is concerned about the outward man as well as what goes on inside of our hearts.

5. The Tongue. The scriptures tell us that what is in the heart of man will show up in the mouth. We will deal with some of the difficulties we as humans have in controlling our tongues as well as how to remedy the associated problems.

6. The Eye. One of the major paths to the mind is through the eye. Satan knows that we are very much influenced by what we see. This lesson points out how very exposed we are when we are not aware of his many devices that are being used to try to destroy our walk with God. This lesson also offers scriptural solutions to help us overcome.

7. Holiness in Adornment. This is probably the most misunderstood position on holiness the Church has taken a stand on. This lesson will help us understand why God has led us to de-emphasize our outward appearance, quite unlike the world, and instead to place emphasis on the things that God values.

8. Holy Amusements. There are many distractions in the world today and
this lesson will help us gain a proper balance in a world that is totally lopsided.  God’s desire is that the Church has a right perspective on all of our activities and that we learn to be temperate. 


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